1969 340 radiator

you wont catch me paying $500 for a used radiator. Thats more than i payed for my whole car!lol

Well the radiator I have does not need re-cored and is in very nice shape, just bolt it in and go. Shipping is probably around $60-$80 so it is not a bad price for a good, ready to go, heavy duty 3 core radiator. Most 340 cars only had the 2 core radiator. I paid $800 for my 033 68 GTS radiator. Sometimes you really do get what you pay for... A $500 car doesn't sound like much of a car, maybe autozone can hook you up with something... I also have a 67 2-core radiator that is very nice also, but I want more for it than what your car is worth too so I can't help you. Good luck. :hello2: