Why small bolt pattern?

For all you "experts". READ under DESIGN.


And I quote:

"The lug's taper is normally 60 degrees (although 45 is common for wheels designed for racing applications), and is designed to center the wheel accurately on the axle, AND TO REDUCE THE TENDENCY FOR THE NUT TO LOOSEN, due to fretting induced precession, as the car is driven."

Lemmie tell you something, and then I am OUT of this ridiculous thread of complete and total misinformation. I changed my first tire in 1973. I was eight. By the time I was 19 I was an alignment man at a local tire store. I have been to so many different seminars through the years regarding tire/wheel/lugnut safety that it ran out of my ears. Some of yall come on here with so much BULLSHIT spewing out of your ignorant assed mouths and you have ZERO real world experience. You really oughtta stay on the couch with your bottle of lotion. You do no one any good with your argumentative attitude and know it all bullshit. Sorry, some of yall are good at makin yourselves sound smart, but you're just plain STUPID when you argue with FACTS.

Now, there's yall something to argue about for the next twelveteen pages......even though the FACTS have been presented. Morons.

So, fretting-induced precession is what happens if you don't "Center the wheel on the stud", as I said...

But by your logic that the taper seat being what holds nuts on, then finger tight should be good enough. Right? ;-)

The conical seat serves more to locate the wheel and distribute the load than it does to hold the nut in.
I should have clarified, I'll give you that: The conical seat centers the wheel on the stud. The register centers the wheel on the hub.

I'll be in Augusta 9/13 through 9/15. I'm more than happy to discuss with you over a friendly beer.

And I hope you're not implying that I have no real-world experience. I'm a disable mechanic as well, with scars to back it up. Odds are good I've sat through the same chassis-service seminars you have.
