Never forget what happened today

Normally when I finished PT, I would head home off post and have breakfast with Tammy before she went to work. This day, I had to stay on post because I had to escort a Soldier who was getting kicked out of the Army around so he could clear. I had been promoted to SGT 4 days earlier, so being the newest NCO, I got stuck escorting the shitbag. I was on the phone with Tammy, explaining I wouldn't be home for breakfast and why, when she told me the Trade Center was on fire (she had the news on, but the volume down). I asked her, jokingly, if someone had tried to bomb it again. She exclaimed that a plane crashed into it. I asked if that's why it was on fire and she replied "NO! Right now while I was watching one just flew into it!!"

About that time, my CO and 1SG came bursting through the Company door, both white as sheets. I told her I had to go and hung up. All Hell was breaking loose. We lined up and drew our weapons, as well as ammo. We were told we were under a terrorist attack. Within an hour, Apaches were flying around Ft. Campbell with full rocket/ missile loads. We were given different assignments to guard the base schools and hospital around the clock, in case of any further attacks. Nobody was allowed on or off Ft. Campbell for 3 days. 2 days after the attack, we were sitting in a briefing with 5th Special Forces Group, going over the mission into Afghanistan. I was already on orders to change duty stations to Italy in December, so I left just before my old unit went to the 'Stan.

The rage, pure anger, HATRED, we ALL felt that day towards those who would commit such an attack on innocent civilians is beyond description. We had trained for years to fight an enemy, and now had a reason... we were just waiting for a target... to make those responsible pay for what they had done on our sacred soil.

My life was never the same after that day. It changed who I am, my outlook on the world, and how I cherish the simple things I had always taken for granted. I have lost many Brothers in the wars that followed that day, as well as a huge chunk of myself.

To all those who lost their lives that day, and in the wars that happened afterwards, Rest In Peace, and you will NEVER be forgotten. To all those who served and continue to serve since that day, you are also in my thoughts everyday, for I know your lives were forever changed just as mine was. Airborne.