who is into Nascar

Formula 1? The racing series that 92% of all passes are made during pit stops? Talking about boring.

A manufacturer can decide for you if you like a sport or not? Sounds small minded. I figure the more competition the better.

I have loved NASCAR ever since most of the races were available on tv, which for us on the west coast was 1991 or so. It's not for everyone. For me it's like a chess match of endurance. As far as some people saying its not like it use to be? What? Like back in the 60's and 70's when there were maybe 2 or 3 cars on the lead lap at the end of the race?

Exactly. That is why I don't like it now. Restrictor plates are bullshit. That's all they are about. Bunching cars up so an accident is more readily available to keep fans excited. No more "run what you bring". Boring.

Today's NASCAR is the most competitive it has ever been in its history. Do I agree with every change that has been made? No! But for me it is still my favorite sport. Drag racing next, and football once the NASCAR season is over.

Horse feathers! The competition has been removed. They all drive the same shape the same size and the same weight. Might as well be the same make. These new cars any one of us here could learn to drive in a week. Almost no talent required anymore. Lets see gayboy Gordon drive a Superbird at 200 plus around Talladega with bias plys and an archaic by today's standards suspension. Ain't happenin, bud. He'd actually have to work for a livin.

I say give it a try Rani. If you don't like it that's fine, it's not everyone's cup of tea. Try to decide on your own though, and not let haters sway your decision.

Rani asked for opinions. Somebody likes or hates NASCAR or anywhere in between, that's their business. You got your opinion and other people have theirs and they are entitled to it without being called a hater. Just because you love all them sissy boys drivin cars that almost drive themselves doesn't give you the right to bash someone's else's opinion.