who is into Nascar

Which is one of the main reasons I gave up my two PSL season tickets at Texas Motor Speedway. Every race, the four seats in front of me were occupied by loud, foul mouthed drunks who chain smoked. Not that I cared if they drank and smoked, but I can get that for free in any bar, and don't need to spend $700 a year to sit behind them.

My wife and I had season tickets to California Speedway in Fontana for the first four years when they first opened. We had great seats about 2/3 of the way from Turn 4 to the Start/Finish Line and high enough that we could see the entire track. We never had a problem with drunks but I finally gave them up because of the financial impact and the weather because of when the NASCAR races were scheduled.
* Finances: The last year I had tickets they required you to buy all of the support races in order to keep your established seats. We were only interested in going to the Sunday races but had to buy tickets for all of the other races that weekend. I always ended up giving away the tickets to the truck races, the ARCA races, etc.
* Weather: First race was early in the season and was always very cool, almost cold, windy and half the time rainy. My wife would spend most of the time under the grandstands where it was warmer and dry. The second race was Labor Day weekend and always hot. My wife would spend most of the time under the grandstands where it was shady and a little cooler - probably wishing it was cool and breezy.
We just made the decision we could be more comfortable, see better (with as many replays as we wanted), and have better food for less money by staying home and watching the race we wanted to see on TV.

She doesn't go to NHRA national events as it's much too loud for her (and she thinks drag racing is boring - go figure).