For Cudagirl "Nella"

Geof, Nella and family, Thank you for many great memories and look forward to checking
in from time to time, But it is time for me to spend some time around some smiles and I will be gone for a while, I will always keep many of our fun times in my hart and keep them alive on each day I move forward in life, this simple man on the hill is never going to change and
my skin has gotten a little to thin I guess, My you stay humble and and grow.
It's time for me to step back and humble myself and keep love and care in my hart, Thank you for all the happy times you gave this man on the hill.

I am giving myself some well needed self time as some of of need to do from time to time, and it is time that I step back and keep life simple and keep love and care in my hart, I caught myself a few times lately getting over involved with stuff here and you are the stare in my hart I want to carry as I remove the negative things I have kept in my mind and getting way to involved here and letting things get to me I guess Geof, Nella and family.

I will return a better person one day and don't worry about this man, husband ,father and grandfather in Arkansas on the hill.

Not my dog but she puts a smile on my face and in my hart every morning she visits me and Buddy.

Stay happy and safe, for I know you have a great family that will see to that Nella

Mike, Treva and the boys are happy and growing :hello2: