I'm an idiot but have followers

HA. You West Coast wosses don't know danger.
Come to Atlanta.
We drive 85 MPH, bumper to bumper, side to side with no where to go.
It's NASCAR here, son.
Without the good drivers.
Smack down time.

And every few days some idiot shuts down the expressway.
Last month one night the Ninja Bikers flew by me. I thought one was going to sideswipe me.
Up the road at bit, the traffic completely stopped just in front of me.
Oh ****. I want to get home. And the emergency lane to exit was blocked by a semi.
And to top it off there is some fellow from a third world country behind me acting like a fool and yelling.
When the interstate started moving, sure enough there was a biker on the side of the road.
Sadly, I don't think he was dead.

haha 405 in LA, nough said right wild... what you east coast guys don't take into account the dirt rutted freeways, atleast might as well be they are so bad!