I'm an idiot but have followers

that being said. i have been called at 5 am cause my buddy had a fight with his wife and i had to come make sure his car was alright and take him to the er, and again just this last winter when my brother rolled his f250 on to its side but it deffintly rolled completely over first. he went to the er and he came out completly fine( lucky) i know the risks when i hit that accelerator which is why i mostly run on the inerstate late at night cause the things empty and im most likely to be killed by a deer at that point. i would love to be able to run on the indy infield track, or play in an empty parking lot, or compete in one of those autocross things but those take money that i dont have. and i really dont even have a car anymore, but that was still a great story and very fun to read non the less.