I'm an idiot but have followers

all I can say about the threadstarter and his cheerleader rumblemeds360 is
"you cant fix stupid"

Tell me everyone on here as driven absolutely by the law and I'll show you a liar.

Driving the '69 as a kid, blowing by slower traffic on the right, just inches off the guard rail because someone was doing 30 in a 55 and oncoming traffic was miles long. Burying the needle with a car full of passengers, making my friend nervous as all get out as he tried to stay calm and cool while his hand was shaking so bad he could barely get his soda to his mouth. Blowing Corvettes off going up a steep hill, stalking Porches in Elmira.

Holy ****, I drove my brother's 360 powered '81 D150 to work once upon a time. Had a guy pass me and four other cars with traffic coming at him. Ran us all off the road. When traffic cleared out and I could go, I was just inches off his bumper at about 80-90 mph in a 45mph zone.

Was talking to Sarah back when she was driving the Diplomat, when it was legal to talk on the phone and drive. I hear the 4bbls open and the tires squawk. Asked her, "what the hell?" She told me some idiot in a Camaro tried to make it around her when the light changed green, but "she showed him!"

Everyone one of us has these stories. For some to act all so innocent is absolute bulls***.