
I'll not bore you all with what I did do today, project-wise, because it had nothing to do with the car. I was hoping to start re-assembling the HVAC unit but a couple of bare metal panels which I had dropped off for sandblasting have still not been blasted. My guy is chronic about not getting things done when he says he will so I really need to look for someone else. Hate to ***** but it's every time. I've lost two weekends on this guy.

As for the car...

With nothing really going on, I took our fogger and filled it with a natural biocide dilution and fogged the isht out of the car's interior. I think I'm just going to keep doing this every few days. The car smells great. I had really gotten the rotten mold smell under control quite some time ago but it still has the 40-year-old road gunk smell - but even that is dwindling since I started degreasing the underbelly. Some spots (such as the transmission tunnel) could probably benefit from a second spray but the work is paying off and I couldn't be happier.

I have a pre-cut firewall insulation kit on the way.