Buncha J'holes toNIGHT

You could always travel in one of these, Im sure you could find an open lane with little effort!

I actually joked at the plumbing warehouse one time "Don't s'pose ya stock some 20mm for the left lane "front fender cannon?"

Today, I practiced my communication skills.

Got off the freeway and the ramp has a light at the end. I'm sittin' there and this pencil neck wad rolls up behind me LOOKING IN HIS MIRROR and COMBING HIS HAIR.

When he finally looked forward, I sent him a binary encoded digital communication.

Later going down the freeway, some C word decides that tailgating is the thing to do, even though I'm doin' 68 in a 65 IN TOWN. So when the guy on the right got off, I moved over and sent HER a little message.

Turns out she didn't want to PASS me, she just wanted to TAILGATE