I'm an idiot but have followers

Wow...... Let he that hath not done'th anything wrong on the street cast the first stone ....... I know I would have to get in back of the line. Has No one ever squeezed through a yellow/pink light even though they maybe could have stopped, never ALMOST came to a full stop at that sign, never ran 50 in a 30 on a country road or city street ( hey thats 20 mph over ya'know ) Has No one ever went 128 in a 45 .....ooops Kyle Bush did.

My point is all these SLOWER scenarios could cause a fatality just as easily as any other........

I have done all these (with the exception
of Kyle B ) .......altho I wish I could do that .... I would like to see where he did this at .....a super car could accelerate to that speed in seconds, and on a stretch of road with ...say with corn fields on each side .......yep!

Had a little run in with a WRX the other day ..55mph zone,...he pull out next to me in the Demon I was ready for him, when he pulled up next to me and I heard his motor rev I dropped to second, it was on for about a block .....he didn't pass me, but that little car was screamin ......he pull up next to me grinning from ear to ear ....yep young kid.. he had a blast I had a blast nothing over 85 just a short kick down .......He would have kicked my butt all over the place from a dead stop...... Heck I even had my wife with me .......... I personally wouldn't drive fast racing in and out of cars at high speeds .........But I wasn't there, there might not have been anything dangerous about it.
All in all good story.

There are a lot of reasons I don't post much ......... this thread is one reason ..guess I just felt like giving my 2 cents ....I'm not a Drama kinda person. ..... thick skin yep, I can laugh off stuff and go on, after all, you're just a post on the internet ,,,,just don't like bickering, whining, complaining, ,,,,,,, moving on now...