*****Benefit Auction to Help Our Member RustyRatRod*****

$95 for the Eddy 1406

Rob has been a big help to me on this forum. He has turned me on to other members as well for help and answers with my projects. He has treated me, a newbie, with courtesy and respect... and that's huge to me! I feel if I can help a member/friend when they need it, I will try my best. Times are tuff and we all need some help and support at times. I have been out of work, on work comp. since Nov. 2012 and struggling with recovery from a lumbar fusion. My wife and I are tight on funds and living week to week on comp. checks. I have a little stash in my pay-pal from this old Rambler I am parting out on fleebay. It's money we wouldn't of had and I know it is going to a worthy cause.
Come on guys! Lets get this thing rolling! :burnout: