I'm an idiot but have followers

The worst highway in the country belongs to Mississippi.
78 between Birmingham and Memphis .
The rest are posers.

Let me try to me try to make sense of "rules". I would imagine that they are inplace so we know the boundries.They are there so the moderators have some guidelines. Sort of like traffic laws on public roads which we all share. They are for the common good.
Ha$ anyone NOT broken a rule of law? I think not.
Have I (you) ever typed a word carelessly? Probably.
But certainly anyone thinking responsibly as an adult can see the difference between cussing with and cussing at.
Therein lies the difference.
Attitude and respect.
Misspelled euphemisms?
I'm just sayin' the mods have a job to do. And I wouldn't want it.
Have fun but........
Sargent from Hill Street Blues.
"Let's be careful out there"