I'm an idiot but have followers

I still don't get "it".

But I do get where you are coming from and happily, I ain't there.

Still, it's fun to start from the beginning and watch this "episode" as it unfolds in all of its fully glory. Often, I don't get into posting on such threads but this one caught my attention and I found myself "enthralled" before I knew what I was doing and couldn't stop reading. I'm not proud of myself for reading all the threads, but I was encapsulated by feelings of both shock and awe throughout each page. When I got to the moderator's posts I knew a showdown was about to play out. I held my breathe and read on. Then, the climax! It was done. Game over. Players eliminated. In the end, there were only the waffles with apples and a nice whipped creme topping.