******Posting! Don't change the core of A-bodies.

I'll be chucking the BAD APPLES out the door, I Look everyday and moderate a few posts and leave, I used to love being here all the time but felt the same way mike does, as a moderator I still came on every day or so but not in my normal capacity with things in life needing more attention...Ya'll get along with each other I DO NOT GIVE INFRACTIONS...I TOSS YOU OUT...I have a memory of who is who and who has how many infractions and for what..if your latest infraction happens to be your third for the same behavior I will research it to make sure and then TOSS YOU OUT!!!!!! Bye bye could be a week or two or permanently, several times we have let people back after a permanent ban and they are pretty much on lifetime probation. This Is a Family friendly site ya'll help keep it that way Please
Thanks everyone for your supporting comments. I don't think it was just one thing, but something that has been going on for awhile and not just against him. Mainly how others are treated and comments made for no reason except to be rude and think they are being funny at the expense of others. A-bodies is community full of great people of which Mike considers his dearest friends and family. He looks out for everyone, even the new ones and takes it to heart when people disrespects his friends old and new.

He will be back, but needs a break to let things heal. He can't ignore, or toughen up because he would be changing who he is based on a few bad apples. Ignoring to him, is the same as accepting what they do. He will deal with it in the memike way when the time is right and in a respectful manner.

A long time ago, I had a conversation with Mike and asked him why do you let people hurt you so deeply? You should toughen your heart so that it wouldn't hurt so much. He replied "If I toughen my heart, I couldn't love as deep"