******Posting! Don't change the core of A-bodies.

Sorry to hear Mikes having a hard time.
I think stress is getting to everybody in one
way or another and its making some a little cranky.
I've watched some good people leave over the time
I've been a member here, Some came back, some burned their bridges.
I left for a while to cleanse my thoughts and returned refreshed.
I've been thinking it might be time for another breather soon.
Hopefully Mike will get his peace back and be able to return.
If not, its all right, I'd rather see him happy and enjoying
his life than sulking about over things he has no control on a
web site.
Take some time away and get your mind right, its what we all
have to do when we're tired and the burdens are heavy.

See ya when thing are right again Pard.