******Posting! Don't change the core of A-bodies.

I'll be chucking the BAD APPLES out the door, I Look everyday and moderate a few posts and leave, I used to love being here all the time but felt the same way mike does, as a moderator I still came on every day or so but not in my normal capacity with things in life needing more attention...Ya'll get along with each other I DO NOT GIVE INFRACTIONS...I TOSS YOU OUT...I have a memory of who is who and who has how many infractions and for what..if your latest infraction happens to be your third for the same behavior I will research it to make sure and then TOSS YOU OUT!!!!!! Bye bye could be a week or two or permanently, several times we have let people back after a permanent ban and they are pretty much on lifetime probation. This Is a Family friendly site ya'll help keep it that way Please

Your efforts are much appreciated. You can't stop it all, but what you're doing makes a big difference. One bad apple can cause a lot of trouble. Keep throwin em out!