******Posting! Don't change the core of A-bodies.

Couple people hit the door yesterday and there are others under heavy scrutiny.

don`t know what upset memike, don`t know him, or anybody on here. got in to this for info and occasionally parts, then it turned to mostly intertainment.
but have bit my tongue and switched to other things at times because of the idiots and smart-asses. "trying not to be one of them." :oops: we need to keep it about
A BODIES ONLY ! I really enjoy the pics of builds, and progress on the cars. some of u guys have some kick-*** iron. even tho I`m 66 turning 67, (act about 47) my 700 h p barracuda street car will be running before the yr is over, and yes I`ll blow your doors off on the hi-way or anywhere else, but not in any traffic, I can wait for another time and place. not that I ain`t done some stupid stuff, and give GOD the credit for getting thru it, but w/ age comes wisdom, some just more than others. "ain`t sure where I fit in that! that being said , let`s keep it MOPAR---------------------condolences to all--------bob :coffee2: