******Posting! Don't change the core of A-bodies.

I have been here longer than just about everybody else and I feel I have the right to comment a little on this topic.

I have seen the good and the bad and have also been the good and the bad. Treva, Mike is right. This isn't the same FABO that it was at the start. It is much bigger and therefore it is much more diverse. There are members like Mike that are the salt of the earth. There are members that are a little on the rough side. Most are just everyday folk's that enjoy the hobby and Mopars in particular. I think it is great that we can have a site that is family oriented enough so that Geoff did not mind Nella coming to see what was going on. But I also think it is great that we can have a "BLUE ROOM" and a "POLITICAL ROOM" for our not so refined members to let off some steam. That is what I like about the site more than anything, the diversity.
Personal attacks are another matter, I have been on the receiving end of a couple myself. They are not pleasant in any way. In most cases they are handled very well by the Mods or the Owner. Unfortunately, they are usually seen by all before they can be dealt with and that can be very disheartening and leave some members feeling like Mike does now. All I can say is be strong Mike, I know, and probably most hear know, you didn't do anything wrong besides caring to much. We and the world are just as lucky to have you as you are to have us.

Hope to see you back soon.
