My lil blue Dart "Then and up till now" 70

Always said I was never going to sell it, then I traded it in ona new 4x4 in 77.
Thanks for the compliment on my build.
Your dart looks close to the same shade of blue.:protest:
Yah I always said that I'd never sell the Charger that I bought back in 79 but when I just wasn't driving it as much anymore I just sold it about four years ago . Of course you "know" I'm kicking myself now though . lol Your very welcome about what I said in your build thread . I meant every word of it . You do "very" good work . I owned a shop about 20 years ago or so were I worked on everybody's hot rods and race cars I would have loved to have had someone like you working with me back then . It's funny about the colors of our Darts being so close . When I was trying to pick out the color for our Dart I had it narrowed down between your blue and mine . I guess we "both" have good taste . lol :glasses7: