******Posting! Don't change the core of A-bodies.

Best wishes to Mike. Tell him we love him. Did he get involved in the roast the ricers thread? There were lots of verbal bullets going off in there.
It was impressive how much ego fueled the anonymous tough man competition-objectively, but if you invested yourself into THAT foray, you were gonna get shot.

You're 100% right about that, mouser. I got turned off by the tone the thread started to take and quit reading it. I'm hoping a couple involved with that thread got bounced from FABO because of their posts.
IMO those types of threatening and name-calling posts have no place here.
Numerous times I've posted that this is the "FABO family" and, like family, we don't always get along. But the threatening and name-calling has got to go.
C'mon back, Mike! It's not the same without memike bringing some sunshine and a chuckle to everybody.