******Posting! Don't change the core of A-bodies.

When I was growing up I was told if you can say anything nice don't say anything at all.


Not looking to argue with anybody but.......it is a different world than when we grew up. This is a public forum. In my opinion, and that is all that it is my opinion, by posting something here you are inviting others opinions. And like most things in life people are not always going to see things your way. So if I don't agree with you I am not entitled to speak my mind? Granted it is one thing for someone to disagree with you but this is normally how the fights start here. Case in point, what went down in the ricer thread. If the OP would have just accepted the fact that not every one was going to agree with him it would not have got sideways like it did. Instead he chose to attack those who disagreed with him. One can argue that that what I am saying is not the same as saying something that is not nice. But there is ALOT of people here that will start an argument with someone if they feel differently about things. Don't believe, just look for any of the threads where someone swapped in a Ford/Chevy motor....Can't tell me that a good deal of comments in those threads can not be perceived as nasty....Sure, you can say that they are just light hearted stabs...but are they really?
It is like taking your car to a car show and getting upset because someone does not like your car. You bought your car there to be looked at did you not? So folks are not entitled to there own opinion? Or do you really expect people to just walk away?? In life you have to take the good with the bad....

If have offended Mike I do apologize.