Friend somebody.....

I honestly forget the feature even exists. LOL. It's like the ignore feature, I forget its there and I never use it really lol. I just see people on this forum and I go, "Oh hey, I like him/her. They're a cool member". Or alternatively, "I don't really like them we butt heads alot". It's mostly "They seem alright, but I only see them post every now and then"

Here lately its "Everyone is so thin skinned lately and uppity, everyone calm down and be friends."

I have two members in mind now Rob. My memory kinda stuck out talking bout people in that 3rd category

dont cover up ....I know you forgot all about me ...BWAHAHAHHAA

just messin with you........I actually saw you posting as pan gasket and thought you were a new member, when I saw you last in chat and you were talking to me like you know me...that threw me for a loop until I realized who you are LOL ....funny stuff