Help we go again,,,

My Challenger was doing the same thing. It would crank for ever and when I let off the key, it would fire. I tested the brown "start" wire and I had power at the coil. After that test, I tried starting the car again and if fired right off.

Fast forward a few weeks and I was in the middle of a car cruise. The car just shut off. This time, it fired right back up while cranking, but as soon as I let off the key, it died. After sitting awhile it fired right back up and ran. On a hunch, I got out and wiggled the connector at the base of the steering column. The engine started running rough. I wiggled it some more and the engine shut off.

The first issue I was having was due to the brown wire in that connector not making contact. When I stabbed it with a test light, it made contact again. Then, a few weeks later, the blue wire in the connector lost contact and the car died while driving.

Check your lower steering column connector and make sure all the wires are tight.