Hello to all, and a warning on ebay.

Hi to all car, truck, and motorcycle "Nuts". I, like probably many of you, have a lust forthings on wheels, as well as a yard, and garages, full of projects. I hope I can be of help to some of you.?
I do want to warn you all, there is a guy on ebay, saying whatever he can to sell parts from canabalizing old mopars. He is claiming that parts from one year car, will fit other years as well, when it is a flat out lie ! I contacted him, trying to inform him of his mistakes so as to help him, and others from selling, and buying the wrong parts, but he just claims that people can put the wrong parts, on the wrong car if they want ! That made me fierious !!! For instance, a tail light housing on a 66 barracuda, being sold as a replacement part for 64, and 65 barracuda's as well. Now, for us who know our cars, this would be a no-brainer, that the guy is pushing his parts, and doesn't care as long as he gets that green in his hand, or just plain doesn't know what he is talking about !? But to the beginner, it can be an expensive lesson on who not to trust. That is simply put,"DISHONEST" !!! The ebay member is brian33I33 . I texted him about this, and his reply was, "people can do whatever they want" !?? Now, if you don't consider this "Bad buisiness", then you are not someone I want to know, or do buisiness with ! I am sure there are many like him on ebay, as well as other places, but I feel that I have to live with myself, and could not sleep at night knowing I purposely cheated, or lied to someone like that !
I am 48, and was not raised that way, nor have I ever lived that way ! One of my nicknames is D.L., THE REAL DEAL ! I got it while playing in bands, and running my D.J/Sound buisiness because no matter how bad things got, I refuse to lie, cheat, or steal. Now wev'e all had our little indescressions when we were young, but we learn from them, and rise above it !
I promise, that if I sell you a part, it will be painfully honest, I swear it !
Well enough of my tangent ! I hope to meet each, and everyone here ! Thanks for taking the time to read this, Don.