broke. so I'm working on some white faced gauges for my 66 dart

yup momma cut my budget down to nuttin:banghead: So I'm back to working on the garage to insulate it and other things that don't cost money. One of the other things is figuring out how to white face my gauges in the 66. I have seen them for plenty of cars but never for my 66 dart. NOW I know why. there's a buttload of work involved in getting it changed over to white faces. I just got back from the sign shop and they did awesome work.. it still needs a little tweaking but
i can use this one as is! here's my progress so far.

here's the speedometer front plate I took off a broken speedo to test things out. it isn't perfect yet BUT is darn close. A couple more trieds and it should be correct.
View attachment DSCF4161.jpg

here it is in hot glued into position as a check to see how it will look.
View attachment DSCF4162.jpg

not to bad huh? I LIKE IT! I think I might want to shoot the black on the bezel a light argent to match the bottom part.... I might test that out.

here's a closeup of the speedo
View attachment DSCF4166.jpg

and here's another part of the project. darn things (temp,fuel,amp and oil light surround) will have to be hand painted. #$@
View attachment DSCF4167.jpg

still it was just as bad to do as I thought. I had to use a hand pick to remove the paint from the speedometer numbers and will have to re paint them in black. made good progress on it and do see the light at the end of the tunnel.:cheers: