My shop got vandalized....

that sucks about the damage. glad they caught the kids. hopefully they can do something about them.

I had my garage(which was constantly getting broken into) up north wired with some old tv (flyback) capacitors and they got charged if you broke into the place without hitting the hidden lever to ground them out. you could get in but darned if you could get out. I caught a 17y.o. kid in there laying on the ground out like a light with his hand wrapped around the 383 dual quad manifold and carbs he was stealing, I beat the living hell out of him with a rubber sock and some bolts in it while he was laying there so he would remember NEVER to mess with me again. (unwired the flybacks, hid em in the neighbors garage:glasses7:) and then called the police and the ambulance. kid swore up and down he got electrocuted and wanted to press charges. the cops told him if he was electrocuted he was lucky to be alive and they found no evidence to support it. kid got 3 years for B&E,aggravated assault . weirdly I never got broken into again:D
I'm thinking to do that down here but making it a package deal that can be unplugged and removed, with just wires going to the metal in the building.

I feel that what's mine IS mine, but if you need it, just ask I'll try and help, YOU TAKE it and all bets are off, you are now fair game for anything goes

You're lucky he didn't come back and torch the place...or have ten or so of his fellow MS-13 gangbangers rape, torture, and kill every member of your family! Someone I work with reported vandalism...the cops caught the guy. A week later, someone sprayed his house with about fifty .223 rounds at 3am.

He moved away.