Maybe I'm getting cynical with age, but ....

Every job has it's short comings. I used to go out and empty the collection box at the Post Office once a day. Once or twice a week I would be summoned to go help a knucklehead that dropped something in the mail box. Keys, phones etc are no problem to find. It was the folks that wanted mail back that were a killer. A full hamper holds somewhere in the neighbor hood of 5k letters. Nothing like looking for one letter in there. Had a customer one time drop in 37 letters with no stamps. Found 36. Spent over an hour bent bent over in the hamper in 115* heat looking for that last one. The 36 were all in a lump, after finding them I told her that I doubt it was in there. But I carried on. After I gave up she went to her car only to catch me on the way up the hill. The missing letter was in her car....the facility I worked at had a FedEx drop box. Was told to go outside on a Saturday. Some guy stuffed the FedEx box with 1500 letters before realizing it was the FedEx box. I explained to him that we did not have a key to it blah blah blah. He went ballistic...He asked me what to do, told him it was Saturday, he would have to wait until Monday to deal with it. More screaming....He then started cursing at me, saying I was a moron for not having a key to it. I stuck my hand out demanding his car keys using the same reasoning he did as to why we should have a key to the FedEx was on Postal property. He failed to see the humor in it...and gave me a shove...Put him on his ***.....called the cops....He went to jail....assaulting a Federal Employee.....Think no matter what you do to put food on the table if you deal with the public it is going to frustrating at times. Yet one more reason why I feel the way I do about general....