My car shelter is sick

Hi guysss,yes my car shelter is sick:sad5: the problim is the cover is shot,getting tirered of buying tarps to wrap over it that just don't last more than a year.Maybe I am not buying the right one,bingo.I need some subjugation what to use,the last one i bought from TSC the guy said o ya a good one farmers use them to cover hay,ya right 1 year is all i got and it cost me 150.I wish I could afford a replacement cover that it came with but 400 ya right.My Dart is knot selling so I have to get something to use just spent 22 bucks on a blue tarp but its not going to last.It would be nice to just put a metal roof on but I CANT AFFORD

Snake hey man i understand, but i got a good idea for you. Is your shelter frame a square type that u can hang courrigated metal on, try your local metal supply house that sell this stuff. Sometimes they use scratched sheets to cover the good ones for transport. These damaged sheets sell super cheap out my way in texas. They may be all different colors but thats nothing a can of paint wont fix. My buddy built a carport out of well pipe, and scrap courrigate. Once it was painted it looked real nice. He prob has $200 to $300 in the whole thing.