Thanks Cosgig - Turn Signal Fix (Pics) 64 Valiant

First I popped the cap off the steering and was exposed to this.

Disconnected the wire and removed center screw and screws to remove the steering. At first I thought I would have to undo all the Allen screws. Stupid newbie! Everything came off fine.

I was happy to see the column looks new. Next I had to attach the wheel puller and this where it was discovered I had purchased the wrong size screws to insert back in the column to use the puller. :banghead: It was also night time by now and the parts store was closed. :banghead: Well.....time to break out the tap and die set I have never used and make my own screws. I was lucky enough to have my friend visiting from the US that helped me with all this.

Ok...perfect fit and now I could attach the puller.

It came off quite easily.

Rest was very easy. Just loosen the screw and wiggle out the broken arm and install new arm. Viola!

I know this seems incredibly basic to most of you but to a newbie like me it is just plain old fun and exciting to do stuff on a car!

Thanks again to Cosgig for his help!
