broke. so I'm working on some white faced gauges for my 66 dart

That looks great! You do good work my friend. I like the way you scraped out the paint on the speedo numbers and filled them in by hand. I will be making the white conversion on my 67 Cuda soon, so this info is much appreciated! Good luck!

thanks, But it ain't skill, it's stubbornness plain and simple.
one hint that worked well for me was using a fingernail brush ,soap and water to clean it mostly out. the inside letters and numbers are a water based paint and will mostly wash out. not all the way but a lot. that way you don't scratch up the lenses.

I remembered as a kid (13-15)doing some of the dash bezels for extra money during the summer. We had different types of paint to use, outside paint STUNK! inside paint didn't (or at least not as bad. ) so I went to the hobby store and opened a couple of different paints to bring back the memories of the "not stink" turns out the ACRYLIC tempra paints had the same or close to the same smell (water based) since mine is on the inside of the plastic lens I bought the tempra paint. (and found out it was lacquer paint(stinky)for the outside knobs and lettering.) oil and enamel didn't smell the same kind of bad. but I never had to UN do what I did like now.

Using Acrylic tempra paints with this process you can use a wider brush (about 1/2 inch camel hair worked for me) and wiggle it so the paint hits all the corners and then hit the top overflow with a damp cloth to clean up the yuck that will spill over the lens. don't use a paper towel it leaves tiny scratches in the lens(ask me how huh :banghead:) the paint does not leave a stain if you get it quick and then hit the whole lens with a microfiber cloth to polish it back to normal. but headlight restorer polish works to get the small scratches out. bigger ones need polishing compound to get them.