66 Cuda HVAC control problems

I installed the repaired switch. Everything worked find until I pushed the Defrost button, and the door would not move from Heat position. It goes from AC, to Max AC to Heat, but no Defrost. Hmmmm...

I think that when I drilled that one hole all the way thru, thus making a really tiny hole into a big one, I may have messed up some kind of balance with the vacuum. Either that or the vac switch itself for the defrost door is bad. That switch is way up behind the wiper motor. I think I'll let it stay there

So I have temporarily rigged the defrost door so it does not close completely, i.e. Heat and Defrost will be on at the same time. It'll take a little longer to clear the windshield or warm my toes, but it's an acceptable solution for now.

What I am most happy about is the sturdiness of the repaired vac connector pins. After several connect/disconnect cycles, they and the Gorilla Glue held up fine. Thank you to Bank of America for involuntarily donating the pen I used :wink:

Thanks again everyone. One day I may actually get to drive it.

ps: good suggestion from lou3500 - use something to keep the holes open when gluing the replacement pins.