need baffles ?

why would anyone ever go thru all the trouble to add hoses/filters and clutter up the engine bay when you could just take the valve cover off and spend .89 on a piece of flashing and cut it to fit, bend up the edges in a vice and throw 3- .05 screws in it and never see it?

I may be mistaken but I don't think anyone was suggesting he forgo the baffle and use just a catch can. A baffle won't stop every bit of oil. The catch can catches what the baffle lets by, which if the engine has any blow by whatsoever can be a lot. Oil polluting the intake system is pretty detrimental to engine performance. It is very low octane and sure makes a mess of the valves and ports. As for cluttering the engine bay, were not talking a gallon milk jug, just a small aluminum canister. Later I'll post a pic of mine.