HELP0... which direction is better?

Here I can help Y is the 25th letter in the ISO basic Latin alphabet and it represents either a vowel or constant in English.

Hope this helps

I am not the one asking for help.....nor was my simple question directed at you....y? was/is/always be a pretty much worthless ride...speaking in regards to the OP's issues....Even if the OP possesses the tools/skill set to do the required work he/she will be drastically upside down. The funds required, in my OPINION, could be spent in a much more wise fashion by simply locating a cleaner starting point. Yes, this means shipping may be part of the deal but based upon his description there is a truck load of metal work needed...if he/she DOES possess the tools/skill set required there will be a lot of time spent fixing his project. If he/she DOES not possess the tools/skill set then the funds required to pay someone who does will no doubt be far higher than the funds required to locate.ship a much cleaner starting point.

Again, the above is solely MY OPINION which no doubt YOU will disagree with......

And for what it is worth, and this is directed at the OP, :worthles:

Hope this helps.....