Acid reflux?

YES. I have! several times and as of yet, I do not have it.

RustyRatRod; have you ever been checked for H-pylori? (Helicobacter pylori) It is a bacterial infection which causes ulcers, acid reflux and a host of other stomach issues including cancer. See the link below on webMD;

It is believed that 50% of the (world) population has it BUT, that 80% of those who have it never have a problem from it. I am in the 20%, and was treated for it back in the late 90's with anti-biotic. I have recently been diagnosed with it again and a Dr. has me on a natural remedy for 30 days. He says anti-biotics will not kill it, but what I am taking will. (inexpensive capsule at any health food store like Vitamin World). Other Dr's prescribe the anti-biotic.

Not sure with your history of meds (if I understand you correctly) if they might be the cause, but I would get checked for H-pilori.

Secondly; Have you ever tried taking Acidophilus? It is a "natural" pro-biotic, or good bacteria and promotes good digestion. It is inexpensive and available at Walmart, Vitamin World, GNC etc. Capsules work better for me than tablets. My youngest daughter recently found this helps her acid reflex, as have I.

Another link below;

For what it's worth, I have less and less faith in the prescription drugs I have had trouble with over the years. Maybe I am just getting cynical because I am getting old. :-)