Fastest Street Cars In Your Town, 'Back In The Day'

I was on our Southern California school's 1976 yearbook staff as a photographer. The teacher gave my fellow motorhead, Rocky, and I a page to do anything we wanted to do with.

We thought highlighting the school's hot rods would be a worthy subject and she actually let us do it. We went to the principal to ask if we could take photos of cars doing burnouts in front of the school. Wow, were we naive! Rocky turned on his Texas charisma and the principal who was retiring after that year said, "Do it after school and nobody will know about it." Talk about receiving the golden ticket!

So there we were after school, me with my camera and the two fastest cars at the school (Rocky and another buddy) doing these massive smoky burnouts right in front of the library! By the size of the group watching I think at least a few people did in fact know about it. The write-up was pretty corny but then again we weren't exactly known as being a pair of scholars.

If that wasn't enough, the teacher let us use a photo for the page headline of one of the guy's car in the school parking lot with "STREET RACERS HAVE HOTTER RODS" written across the back!

Ah....the 70's...

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