Looks like riding season is over.....

True riding season for me is really just starting here, if you consider that for the past 2 1/2 months it's been raining with the possibility of hail nearly every day!

If you don't mind that (or your work schedule doesn't put you on the road at 3:00-4:30pm), then yes, you can ride dang near all year here.

The reason I don't currently have a bike is that IMO there are really only two, short 6 week seasons when it's not either raining every day or below 45 ish degrees in the morning.

Have got caught in more than one hail storm....Had welts from the one I got stuck in while riding thru the Four Corners area :wack:

Commuting in AZ was a drag on the bike for at least half the year. Had to be to work at noon so baking on the way in was pretty normal. Ride home at mid-night was tolerable..alot of nights the temperature was still over 100* but without the fireball beating down on you it was at least tolerable. I lived in East Mesa, land of the snow bird. So just as the weather would get a bit cooler our population doubled +. The snowbirds would at least provide entertainment at times. Seen more than one collision when two of them would be going for the same parking spot.....with neither one of them seeing the other....