Dick Landy 'Flyin Wedge'

Back in late-1968,

Dick Landy was working on his 'Flyin Wedge' project, a 'new' 1969 Charger R/T with a 440/375 HP.

The reason behind the 440/375 HP, was that Dick was performing many 'Car Clinics in 1968, and he
decided it was easier to show the 'young' performance minded attendee's at the Clinics the performance tricks
on the 440 and RB Engines that most of the Mopar Musclecar's guys had, instead of the 426 Hemi.

When the project got started, the 69' Charger R/T 440/375 HP was classed in 'NHRA Super/Stock Class
SS/F {9.50 - 9.99 Wt/Hp}, and the car was built to handle both a 4-Speed and/or an Automatic {SS/FA},
depending on the venue.

In early-1969, the NHRA re-configured the Super/Stock category, and for the new year in NHRA the
Charger R/T 440/375 HP would be classed in SS/I or SS/IA with the 4-Barrel.

Could Dick Landy make the 440/375 HP 'Flyin Wedge' run,,,,,,, and be competitive for 1969.....................

Below, Dick at the 1969 AHRA Springnationals, where they installed a Fiberglass Hood Scoop, and
a different Intake Manifold and Carburetor configuration on the 440.