Acid reflux?

Pepcid AC chewable is the bomb! Man it works great!
X2!! Also, I have found that if I feel mild reflux coming on when I first lay down, I get back up and get a slice of cheese or a few bites of ice cream. Probably not good from a weight gain / fat intake standpoint, but the dairy seems to coat things till the Pepcid can kick in.

Of course, I could just change my habits, but for the last 25 years it's been 2 packs of smokes and a full pot of coffee every day, and steak with lotsa Montreal seasoning as often as I can convince the wife to make it, 2 to 4 times a week. Some of you will say I sound like a time bomb, but the blood pressure is normal to slightly low, my blood oxygen content is the best of the entire family (almost all non-smokers), and walking a mile uphill does not raise my pulse significantly.