Help!!!!! Pick My Interior Colors

I second that

ALL WHITE or SILVER but my preference would be White, black carpet, black dash pad.

Don't know what you are doing foe a dash pad but wish it had been available when I built my car

Just Dash has a 3 gauge pod option foe the A Body dash pad. Wish I had it, would look a lot better than gauges under the dash.

Stay away from a lot of color, LOTS GOING ON OUTSIDE

My 2 Cents

Yes, this is what I really meant, now that WildCat specifically says it. White, but with black carpet and dash pad. Headliner white.

I almost said all blue like the below post, but after envisioning it, I still think white is best. You need contrast with the outside with all that going on, and more plain will give that contrast, otherwise you will just be distracting from the impact of the exterior and I think will give the opposite result from what you're trying to (apparently) achieve.