Nor-Cal '73 Swinger
Home alone - Day 3
Productive week, amazing how one can get things done when he takes a week off & doesn't tell anyone about it! Today's plan was to tackle more interior work. I'm missing the package tray altogether and didn't want to fork over $75 bucks for a custom color tray (White) plus shipping. Furthermore, the rear seat back was all bent out of whack, probably from the same little old lady that supposedly owned the car before me. Same old hag that jerry rigged the under dash wiring.
After searching the forums for custom trays, i ran across Younggun2.0's post and liked how his came out. He used 1/8" Hardboard from home depot & Black vinyl from Joann Fabric. I shot Youngun2.0 a PM & mailed me a paper template at no charge because I was missing my original tray. Thanks YG2.0!
I went a whole different rout than him, however. I got my 1/8" Hardboard from Lowes, first of all. And "B", I got WHITE vinyl from Joann fabric. Whaaaat? The hardboard was $9 for a 4'x8' piece and it turns out I needed two yards of vinyl to fully cover the tray. The premium vinyl I wanted was $24.99/yard and I'm too cheap to pay that. I asked the lady there why the premium was so much when the standard was $17.99/yard. I smiled a lot and made lots of eye contact. I asked her about herself & how her day had been. I flirted my *** off. She said she would see what she could do & cut the 2 yards of premium vinyl & rang me up for a grand total of $15.96. Sweet.
I cut out YG2.0's template & traced it on the hardboard & then used a jig saw to cut it out. Test fit after test fit, sanding down the dimensions each time until I was happy with the gaps. I straightened out the seat back and then finally wrapped the tray in the vinyl using spray on adhesive. 1st attempt at upholstery & I'm pleased.
Here's the pics: