Advice on tough career/life choice...

From what I have seen here in the states. I think your on the right path in water treatment. Lots of room for growth in operations and supervision positions. It offers respectable pay as well I might add, all the way up the ladder to excellent pay. I'm guessing it is a government job with lower stress levels than maybe a private industry job generally comes with. That alone would be a huge consideration in staying. Especially for a middle aged worker considering a job/career change. I'm thinking long term to retirement here. Hard to go wrong once you get your hours, certs and licenses all squared away. Water treatment is everywhere people are. Suck it up and do the time is my thought, odds are very good for it paying off in the long term.

Nothing wrong with sales, service, or dealer work lots of people making great money. But you can also get tossed out on your *** in a moments notice for just about any reason.(See anyone else job hunting thread) Including performance, change in management, or maybe your just really good at your job making it look easy. Next thing you know they think your making to much money and you will be gone. There is a point in life, probably late in your 40's I would say, that you don't want to be looking for a new career or even a job for that matter.

Sorry to hear about your dads health that's important, but taking care of your future is also very important. I would try and find a balance but I still think sticking with water treatment would be my long term choice if I was in your position. I'm about your same age so I can kind of relate. For me there is a shifting away from trying to make the most money now to setting myself up for a stable job/career that I can do till retirement. The right choice now for me personally. I would be looking for the best opportunities for advancement along with highest possible future salary increases, as well as job security.

Sounds like your in on the ground floor of water treatment. My thought is no where to go but up the ladder. Don't know for sure but I bet the dealership job would be on the higher end of the ladder based on your prior experience. Might not be as much room to top out there. If you bail on water treatment you may not get a second opportunity with your minimal experience and your age. I see lots of openings all over for experience and certified waste water positions here in the states but very few entry level positions.

Best of luck to you.