And now for something completely different...

Thats cool. I like to build in the same scale too. Nice work on them Robert.

I like to build in the same scale, too, Russ. When I have models displayed it drives me up the wall when two scales are mixed. It's one of the reasons I have a hard time getting into model airplanes like you do. I love building them, but the variations in scale drives me nuts.

It would be awesome if the scale aircraft builders took up 1/25 so I could display my triple black '69 Charger with an F15.

your coolness factor for me just went way up knowing your a trekkie...I am too.

I don't know if you could call me a trekkie, Rani. I was never able to watch Voyager when it aired (never got the station). Thanks to Netflix, though, I've watched the first few episodes. I like Enterprise, even though it gets a bad wrap among the diehards. Never could stand DS9. I prefer Babylon 5. (The creation of DS9 was a direct result of B5 kicking TNG's *** in the syndicated ratings.)

Very cool, Robert!

Thanks, Cal.

I find it relaxing. And accomplishing. We're at somewhat of a standstill at work as we wait for parts and hardware. It's frustrating for me in the fact that, formerly owning my own shop, I knew I'd go to work and get something accomplished. Now, I go to work and pretend to be busy on some days.

I go to work to build trains. It should only be a week's work in putting the interior together in the car I'm in. I just closed out my fourth week there and we're down to a crawl as changes are made to what parts we have (nothing fits!), we get approval from the engineering team and quality control to modify the parts to make them fit, and then wait for the next batch of parts to come in do it all over again.

I come home and go to work on these little things for an hour or two and feel like I've actually gotten something done in the day.