Outlook on life

I am hopelessly optimistic.
I often UNDER estimate the time or money that any project will take. I rarely ever go into a situation expecting the worst.
Having stated that.....
I wonder if the world is really going to sh*t. At 47, I see the legalization of some drugs that are far more harmful than they were a generation ago. I see far too many people willing to take a handout rather than work for their money. I see Liberals tripping over each other trying to give away my tax dollars to buy the dependence of a lazy lower class of Americans. I see the entertainment industry and the media force feed us the ideas that being against Gay marraige or Illegal immigration is homophobic or racist.
Yeah... I am aware that this isn't the political forum. I try to be positive but I absolutely hate that this country is changing toward moral decay and against hard work and traditional values.