how do i get out of it without being rude

Ok you knew this was coming...

We need pics of the Cuda. :)

I guess we didn't have digital cameras back in the mid- 2000s

I found some still pics this is a pic of a pic .....I asked permission first to post these because this is not my car.

about a year after it was parked. the pass rear tire and driver front tire went flat.

this car had been re-painted in the late 80s ....its supposed to have the lower tape stripes and Cuda 340 cutouts on the fenders in red ....instead the shop put a pin stripe which later mostly peeled off....the little scoops are on one of my darts now but definitely need to go back.

we should have just given it a make-over instead of retiring and replacing....even though this is a very high miles car....but even up to the time these pics were taken it was in really decent shape other than needing a new set of tires and rear spring freshen up