My Parents

I will second what was said, if your parent(s) are still living, take a couple of minutes now and then to see them, or talk to them.

That said, my Dad LOVED cake, any kind of cake, you mention cake, and he'd be first in line. My 2 year old grandson(Dad's great grandson) is a chip off the old block, loves cake. He sees cake, he will ask, and ask, and ask until he gets it. Ask him what he wants for his birthday, he just says, "Birthday cake."

My son got engaged earlier this year, and his fiance's family threw a little picnic for them, a kind of get acquainted picnic so the families could meet.

Near the end of the picnic, you guessed it, cake came out. Dad and my grandson were captured in what is one of my favorite pictures of them together, here it is:


Now thats a pic thats priceless. Its a memory you will have forever. I treasure the memories i have made with my folks all these years, and most recently the restoration of my dads lil red express we both worked so hard on. Had lots of fun, flew back and forth a lot to help him out (im an airline employee)

Please guys n gals on this site dont take your folks for granted. We are all on this rock for a limited time, and nobody knows what their expiration date is. Call em to just say hi, i miss y'all, i love you guys, it may sound goofy to some of you, but i bet they would be happy to hear from you.