1968 paint single stage?

Hey guys i have a 68 barracuda with origanal paint. First off is it single stage? second i want to blow in a few spots. What is a good paint to use to do this job. Does ppg make a paint for this. And would i need a primer. i just need to make ar last a few yeara untill i can pay for a good paint job. thanks


You car has a single stage "Thermal Set Enamel " paint on it. Not an acrylic enamel such as the aftermarket or refinish paints. The TSE paint won't dry unless it receives a sufficient cure (prescribed bake time @ a prescribed temperature).

You can use an acrylic enamel to refinish the vehicle if you wish. I suggest you use a top brand paint as they last much longer than the cheaper brands. PPG, Dupont, or BASF will be your best brands to use..

PM me if you have any more questions I would be glad to answer them for you.
