1968 paint single stage?

Even if you had the exact same paint, which I think may be laquer (you can take some laquer thinner and rub a bit under your rocker or other discreet area to see if any color comes off) you would never be able to match the color fade. If you're not down to bare metal you won't need primer, just scuff it and spray

If it is laquer, newer paints have had issues with bonding but this is just a bandaid temp solution anyway so I wouldn;t worry about it


GM was the only OEM to use "Thermal Set Lacquers" in the 60"s 70's and early 80's. Ford and Chrysler used TSE's from the 40's on up to mid eighties.

Yes, matching a faded colour is a stretch. Compounding the entire vehicle will help but it can be done if you have a good painter with an eye for colour matching.

A complete paint is the easiest route.