The Marijuana State of Colorado Is Selling More Hostess Twinkies Than The Rest

Yea, I seriously doubt that.
What?, they track em like a tagged shark and watch where they all are on a big screen on the wall at Hostess headquarters? :D

well what else they gonna do? they are sitting around getting paid! oh wait thats what they do the rest of the time lol

No, they don't actually have a tracking chip; that's retarded. The article is obviously a parody. Note that the "article" didn't feature any source agencies, and this is in the "jokes" subforum. Don't worry, Mr. 9/11 troofer, Hostess and the US Government are not actually tracking your twinkies. (you didn't think I'd forgotten your trooferisms, did you!?)

- CK

hmm... i did... whats a trooferism? and i dont eat those things